October is usually a great month for Crappie fishing, so I headed up to Silver Lake, WA. this week to see if I could catch a limit for dinner.

October is a great month for crappie fishing!
I got to my spot in the early afternoon and rigged up my Go-To Crappie rig. A pink and white mini jig flavored with some Atlas Mikes Garlic Gel Scent under an adjustable water float rigged on my Eagle Claw Featherlight 6’6” ultra light fiberglass rod.

Here is the set up that I use for crappie fishing.
In my opinion the Eagle Claw Featherlight Rods are the best rods for Crappie fishing. The parabolic action is perfect for setting the hook, and it has so much give that you rarely lose a fish.

Eagle Claw Featherlight Rods are the absolute best rods for crappie fishing!
When I got to my spot I was surprised to see so many boats and bank anglers fishing. I guess I’m not the only one who know that crappie fishing can be good in October. I watched the other anglers for a bit, and saw that a lot of fish were being caught so I figured the fishing was going to be pretty good.
Depth is always a critical component when fishing for crappie, so I started fishing about two feet under my float. I caught a few small crappie, but no keepers. ( Crappie must be 9” to keep on Silver Lake) I adjusted my float a bit deeper, and this time a caught a few really nice perch, but no crappie.
Finally I adjusted my depth to about 16” and boom - this was the magic depth. I caught crappie on almost every cast for at least an hour and got my limit of legal size fish.

Crappie and a few perch ready for the filet table.
Once back home I cleaned the fish, cooked them up and served with coleslaw and ice cold Rainier beer for dinner. These little fish are a true delicacy, and make for a great meal!

Fish Fry Dinner!
You can read more about how I cook crappie & perch HERE.
Thank for reading
FISH MORE work less!
#octoberfishing #Eagleclaw #featherlightrods #crappie #billmatthewsoutdoors #octobercrappie #silverlake #atlasmikes #October
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