Spring in the Pacific Northwest!
Spring has sprung here in the Pacific Northwest, and I am checking things off my spring "TO DO" list. Yes I will still be taking care of the yard, pressure washing, and all the other regular stuff we all do in the spring, but this list is comprised of the things I love doing this time of year! From Western Montana to the Pacific Ocean, there are so many things to do, this is a list of my favorites. I do not know if I will get all of them done, but I like to try. I will update this post as I check other items off the list!
Here is my Spring 2024 "TO DO" list:
Steelhead Fishing - Olympic Peninsula , Washington - DONE!
Razor Clams - Long Beach Washington - DONE!
Spring Chinook - Columbia or Willamette River
Smallmouth Bass - Columbia River - DONE!
Spring Turkey - Washington, Idaho and/or Montana
Montana Skwala Hatch - Fly Fishing
Morell Mushrooms - Montana
Ling Cod & Rockfish : Oregon Coast
Walleye - Columbia River
Take a Kid Fishing
Shadfest 2024
Washington Trout Opener
Shed Hunting
Updated June 16
Go Shad Fishing!
it happens once a year, the annual migration of American Shad up the Columbia River.
Over five million migrate up the Columbia, with the run peaking in June. Make sure you add thisfishery to your spring list of fun things to do. You can fish from the bank or out of a boat, there are plenty of fish for everyone!
Shadfest!!! It only happens once a year!
Updated June 11
Take a kid fishing
There is no better outing for small children wanting to fish, than taking them to one of the many public ponds stocked with trout throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. These trout are eager biters, provide lots of action for kids and levave them with a positive fishing experience that they will cherrrish, and want to experience again!
Here are some pictures from a small state stocked pond in Montana where I took my grandson fishing! Great spring day!
My grandson had a great day catching trout!
Updated June 7
Walleye Fishing on the Columbia River.
It was a beutiful day in the Columbia River Gorge, with temps in the high 80's. It felt more like summer, bu technically it is still spring. I fished with my good friends Dan and Dave. We had a great day drifting walking sinkers with night crawlers. We caught lots of Walleye and severl bonus Perch. Another "TODO" marked off my spring list. Now it's time for some fish tacos!
Columbia River Walleye Fishing!
Updated May 4.
The Trout Opener.
It was a cold and wet day, but I got out and participated in the Washington State Trout Opener. Every year the State of Washington plants thousands of rainbow trout in hundreds of lakes throughout the state. The trout opener used to be a huge deal, but over time it has lost its luster for many anglers. I still love to get out and catch some of these trout, and I look at it as a spring tradition, and a great way to kick off the fishing season. Its a great trip for kids and adults alike!
Washington State Trout Opener!
Updated April 28
Spring Turkey Hunting!
Spring is the time for Turkey hunting and the Pacific NW has a healthy wild turkey population in Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. My first hunt of the spring was with my son Michael in Western Motana. We hunted all public land, but were not able to bag a gobbler. It was great to get out in the mountains after the long winter. We located many birds, and saw a lot on public land, but were not able to get any to come int to us. I think it may be still a bit early in the season. I still plan to hunt Washington and possibly Idaho this spring and will update if/when it happens.
Montana Spring Turkey Hunt with my son!
Updated April 28
Go Shed Hunting!
Another great spring activity in the Pacific Northwest is to look for antler sheds while hiking or tuyrkey hunting. It is very cool to find an antler that has dropped from a deer or elk. On our recent turkey hunting trip we we found a nice whitetail shed from this year, and an old chewed up shed from years past!
Shed hunting in Montana with my son!
Updated April 28th
Fish the Skwala Hatch!
The elkusive Skwala hatch is the first stonefly hatch of the year and usually happens sometime between febuary and april - or maybe it doesnt. It is the first big opportunity
for the trout to eat after a long winter. Catching a trout, any trout, on a Skwala fly is always a great way to start the flyfishing year! To actually hit the river when they ar hatching is very special. We got lucky this spring and were able to get a couple of beautiful little trout to rise to a Skwala. Definately a Spring bucket list item in the PNW for any angler!
We caught the Skwala Hatch in Montana!
Updated April 19th.
Smallmouth Bass on the Columbia River
I had an absolute incredible day of Smallmouth fishing on the Columbia on Wed April 17th. It took me a while to find the fish, but I figured out a pattern of catching them in about 10 feet of water using a Z-man Ned rig, and a small crankbait. It was an absolutely glorious day with a high temp of 65 degrees.
Here are three of the many beautiful smallmouth bass I caught!
Updated March 25
Steelhead Fishing on Washington's Olympic Peninsula :
March 23 - 24, fished the Olympic Peninsula with good friend Mike Codino and guide Rich Underwood. We fished the Quinault on Saturday and the Queets River on Sunday. We caught a few fish on the Quinault, but a massive mud slide made fishing tough, so we moved over to the Queets River on Sunday - it turned out to be a great decision. We caught many steelhead, highlighted by one I caught on a Norman Sandshrimp lure! It was an absolute spectacular day! You can read more about it HERE.
Here are some Steelhead Pics from the OP!
Updated March 10
Spring Razor Clam Digs, Long Beach, WA:
No spring is complete int he PNW without a trip to Long Beach, WA to harvest some Razor Clams. I got out to the Coast on Easter weekend with my wonderful wife and daughter and we had a spectacular time! Although the weather was perfect, it was not a great tide for digging, but we were able to get a couple of limits. it was a perfect day!
Amazing day of Razor Clamming with my wife and daughter!
Check back to see my updates, I may even add more to the list!
© 2025 Bill Matthews Outdoors