Saturday and day two of the KPF Western Trail series at Clear Lake California. I did not do as well as I wanted on day one, but I got a limit, culled several fish and ended up in 27th place with 82.25 Inches. A much better showing than my B.A.S.S. tournament here last year, but I still feel that I can do better.
I launched at the same place as day one, Braito's Buckingham Marina. I was out in the water at 5:00am on the way to the docks I fished yesterday.

First one with a fish on the board today!
As light began, my first choice was the Rapala Rip Stop 9 that I had caught fish on in pre-fish. There was a steady wind blowing today and I made my first cast around 5:45am between two docks. On my second cast to the area, I got hammered by a nice fish. It was still pretty dark so I had to turn the flash on my phone to get a good picture of it. It was a 15 1/2” fish, and I was the first person to weigh a fish today. For a few glorious moments I was number 1 in the standings!
I continued working the docks and caught fish here and there on a combination of the Rapala Ripstop, A seiko with Pautzke Fire Gel on a VMC 4/0 wide gap hook and a Keitech swim bait rigged with no weight on a VMC wide gap 3/0 hook.

I was anchored today by this nice 19.25" beauty!
I was able to cull out a few 15” fish, and was anchored by a nice 19.25” fish that I caught in 2 feet of water under a broken dock. I had some other good fish, but I just could not upgrade my last three fish to get them above 17”

I finished the day 85.75” - good enough for 14th place! Not the top 10 I was hoping for, but I was happy for another good showing!
By the end of day 2 my "Bass Thumb", "Teva Tan" "Scruff" are looking good!
Looking like I've been fishing a kayak bass tournament!
Thanks for reading
© 2025 Bill Matthews Outdoors